Q: How do I register my child into Pack 176?

A: We encourage you to reach out to our Cubmaster or Committee Chair first, who can tell you about our pack and ensure our Pack is a good fit with what your family is looking for in Scouting. 

We accept new registrations only during June through the end of September, as our program year follows the school year.

After you have had a conversation with our Cubmaster of Committee Chair, feel free to navigate to the left sidebar of this website and click on "Join Pack 176 Today," which will redirect you to the official BSA youth application page for our unit.

Q: When/where does Pack 176 meet?

A: The Pack (all age levels) typically meets on the last Tuesday of each month during the school year. We hold our Pack Meetings at Centerville Presbyterian Church in Fremont. During the summer we do not have any formal meetings, but get together as a group for fun outdoor activities.

The Pack is further divided by grade level into Dens, and each Den will typically meet once or twice a month. Please reach out to our Den Leaders for more details.

Q: How much does Cub Scouts cost?

A: Registration fees vary a bit from year to year, but are typically around $200 per calendar year. Most of these fees are from the national and local council. Pack 176 is normally able to keep our unit fees minimized due to our historically successful popcorn fundraising in the Fall. Other expected costs include the "Class A" uniform which totals around $150 from the local Scout Shop, and a "Class B" Pack T-shirt for $15. 

Q: What exactly do I need to purchase for my Scout's uniform?

A: Please consult with your Den Leader before purchasing your scout's uniform from the  Scout Shop, as each grade level has unique uniform requirements. The image below will give you an idea of what your scout's Class A uniform will look like for each grade level.  Lions (Kindergarteners) do not have a full Class A uniform, but instead have a Lion T-shirt. Tigers (1st grade), Wolves (2nd grade), and Bears (3rd grade) wear the navy blue button-down shirt and pants, while Webelos (4th grade) and Arrow of Light (5th grade) scouts wear the khaki uniform with green pants as they prepare to transition into a Scouts BSA troop with similar uniforms.

In addition,  your scout should purchase a "Class B" Pack T-shirt from us at one of our Pack Meetings. These cost $15 and we like to have the scouts wear these during hikes or other outdoor activities where they may get warm and/or messy. Many parents like to purchase one for themselves as well so our unit has a unified look on outings.

Photo credit: Bhargava P. T-shirt design by parent Sarah B.